How To Detangle Your Hair? How to Avoid Tangled Hair? How to Detangle Hair After Braids? How to brush out a large knot in curly hair? How to Avoid Tangled Hair?

 The hair battle begins. Is this the kind of feeling you get, everytime you pick up the comb to brush your hair or detangle its knots? We all relate with you.

None of us can escape knotted hair strands, given the harsh hair products we use or the new hairstyles we flaunt every other day. But there are ways to detangle your hair without tearing away half of your hair.

Note:“ Hair knots are often difficult to detangle. But products like hair oil, hair mask or even hair conditioner can make it easier to remove the knots. It is advised not to try removing knots from wet hair. There is a high risk of hair breakage if you try to detangle wet hair. Once the hair is dry, try using a wide-toothed soft bristle comb to remove the knots.”

What Causes Hair Tangling?

Tangles are caused when the outer layer of your hair (cuticle) is damaged and opens up. The open cuticles block each other and form knots. Basically, a hair knot forms when two single strands of hair wrap around each other to become intertwined.

If this happens to a couple of strands, it gets difficult to remove these knots (tangles), right? Hair that is smooth or silky is not prone to tangles. But damaged and textured hair (wavy or curly) is the worst hit.

It is not surprising to know that all these factors can contribute to hair tangling:

Harsh hair care products

1.Massaging hair too hard while shampooing


3.Lack of hydration

4.Heat styling

5.Rubbing hair with a towel

6.Wind blowing through your hair

7.Not brushing hair daily or overbrushing

8.Sleeping with your hair down

9.Split ends

How To Detangle Your Hair?

Irrespective of any hair type and texture, hair knots are experienced by almost everyone. It is not an easy task to remove a hair knot without destroying your hair. But it is not impossible either.

Our senior product development executive, Abhisikta Hati says, “ Hair knots are often difficult to detangle. But products like hair oil, hair mask or even hair conditioner can make it easier to remove the knots. It is advised not to try removing knots on wet hair. There is a high risk of hair breakage if you try to detangle wet hair. Once the hair is dry, try using a wide-toothed soft bristle comb to remove the knots.”

Here are 13 ways in which you can detangle your hair without causing damage.

1. Conditioner

Conditioning your hair is one of the most important steps towards good hair care. What it also helps with is detangling the hair. Apply a conditioner at the tips and move upwards towards the roots. Spare your scalp, it does not need a conditioner. Leave on the conditioner for 5 minutes, comb your hair to detangle, and rinse.

2. Detangling Spray

Detangling hair spray is definitely worth the money. It helps reduce the tension between the hair while detangling. Also, it is a quick fix when you are out and have no time. Detangling sprays can be used on both dry and damp hair.. They need not be rinsed out. The sprays contain ingredients like shea butter to soften your hair so that detangling becomes easy.

3. Oils

Mineral oil can be used to effectively detangle the hair. It is a colorless and odorless distillate of petroleum. Mineral oil acts like an antistatic and removes tangles. Make sure that your hair is conditioned just enough, too much residue on the hair hinders the function of mineral oil in removing tangles.

After you detangle your hair, your hair may seem a lot more brittle. Apply a few drops of olive oil and let the oil penetrate your scalp and strands for a good twenty minutes. You can sit under a steamer for this or simply wrap a warm towel on your head.

Oil your hair regularly to avoid dryness. You can use a carrier oil like coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil or sweet almond oil along with essential oils like lavender, tea tree or rosemary.

4. Water

Moisture can make detangling easier. It helps remove the tangles without harsh pulling. Use a spray bottle filled with water to spritz some water on your hair before starting out. Take sections of hair with your fingers, comb with a wide-toothed brush and clip the detangled hair with a secure hair clip or pin. Continue for all hair sections until your hair is completely detangled.

5. Wide-toothed comb

Have you been overlooking the importance of a wide-toothed comb? Wide-tooth combs and paddle brushes help detangle hair in a much painless way. They are gentler on your hair.

6. Begin from the bottom

One hair care mistake that most of us make is by combing the hair from the roots. Start from the bottom of the hair. Comb some inches at the bottom and work your way upwards gently. This helps prevent hair breakage and the pain at the scalp due to aggressive pulling.

7. Use your fingers

Before you reach for your comb, separate your hair into sections with your fingers gently. This way you can remove most of the tangles before combing your hair.

8. Hair masks

If your hair is prone to regular tangles, it may be a sign of dry hair. Use a hair mask packed with moisture to provide your hair instant hydration. You can choose from a variety of hair masks in the market or make one at home using simple kitchen ingredients like egg, yogurt, honey and banana.

9. Use jaborandi and brahmi oil regularly

Brahmi is naturally effective for conditioning the hair and it also enhances hair growth. While jaborandi takes care of problems like dry scalp and dandruff. So, applying a mixture of these two oils every alternate night on the roots of your hair can keep your hair nourished and soft, thus preventing breakage when you comb or detangle them.

10. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which can keep your hair healthy and protect the hair cuticle. It also detangles your hair if you mix it in equal parts of water and rinse your hair with the solution after shampooing. Massage it into your scalp for 10 minutes before finally rinsing it off with water.

11. Ditch synthetic hair colours for henna

While the chemically-laden hair colours and dyes can strip your hair of its natural moisture and increase knots, using henna can make it silky and smooth. This will, of course, make combing your hair a pleasant experience—apart from giving your locks a nice red tinge.

12. Count heavily on this yogurt-honey hair masque

Yoghurt is rich in vitamin B5, vitamin D and protein–which strengthens the hair and reduces hair loss. It is also a naturally hydrating food for the hair. Honey, on the other hand can condition the hair and make it super-smooth.

To make this masque, add a tablespoon of honey to a tablespoon of yoghurt. Apply this mixture on your roots and hair length–leave it on for 45 minutes and shampoo it off for silky-smooth, tangle-free hair.

13.  Make the most out of green tea

Loaded with antioxidants, green tea can neutralise free radicals (chemical reactions, which occur due to stress and other factors) and help you maintain healthy hair. It also contains amino acids which can help stimulate protein and panthenol, a derivative of vitamin B5 that boost hair growth and make it strong.

So, massage your shampooed hair with freshly-brewed green tea, leave it on for 15 minutes, and rinse it off with cold water. When you’ll finally comb your hair once they’re dry, you won’t face as much of an issue while detangling them–promise!

Tips To Avoid Tangled Hair


1.Do brush your hair before washing if you have hair that gets tangled easily.

2.Use a little amount of shampoo on the strands when compared to the scalp.

3.Apply conditioner and comb your hair to detangle and spread out the conditioner evenly. But be gentle because wet hair is more prone to shedding.

4.Wear braids as these hairstyles keep the hair in position and avoid tangles.

5.Use a scarf or a hat on windy days to make sure your hair is not all over the place and tangled.

6.Get your hair trimmed every 4-6 weeks. Split ends cause tangles, making your hair look damaged and dry.


1.Don't rub your hair with a towel as it can cause tangled hair. Use a soft cotton t-shirt to dry your hair.

2.Don't sleep with open hair. Consider a gentle updo.

3.Don't sleep on a cotton pillowcase. Switch to silk pillowcases and avoid knotty hair the morning after.

4.Avoid products that produce heat as they lead to hair damage. Hair damage obviously means more tangles.

5.Over using shampoo to create more lather should be avoided as more foam doesn't necessarily mean more efficient cleaning. It does more harm than good.

Wrapping Up

This was our two cents on detangling hair in the safest way possible. We hope that you no longer lose your mind over tangled hair and follow our simple tips of using conditioners, oils and wide-toothed combs the right way. Most importantly, be gentle with your hair.

How to brush fine hair when it's dry hair:

Step 1. If you’re dealing with tangles and don’t have the time to go through the whole rigmarole of getting in the shower, try spritzing a leave-in conditioner or a hydrating oil on the lower two-thirds of your hair.

Step 2. Comb through your hair gently, starting from the bottom and slowly working your way up to finish. Note: Don’t go all the way up to the roots if you’re worried about getting greasy.

Another tip: When you go to bed, pull your hair up into a low, loose bun and secure it with a soft elastic or scrunchie to keep it from tangling while you sleep.

If you have thick, coarse or curly hair 

Most of the same rules that apply to thin hair apply here. Always condition, detangle in the shower whenever possible, exercise patience and dry with care. Here’s the key difference: If you have curly or coiled hair, you might find that using your fingers is easier for detangling any knots than using a brush or a comb—especially if you have tighter curls. No matter what you tool you prefer, make sure to work in small sections and go slowly, starting from the bottom and working your way up. 

How to brush out a large knot in curly hair

Step 1. If you find yourself faced with a particularly stubborn knot, saturate the offending spot with a leave-in conditioner.

Step 2. Gently pull it apart with your fingers. We’ll say it again: Go slow to avoid tugging at your hair and causing any breakage. 

Step 3. Once you’re tangle-free, we definitely recommend sleeping on a silk pillowcase to help cut down on any additional friction while you rest. Bonus: It feels amazing against your skin and minimizes the risk for those annoying creases you sometimes wake up with on your cheek.

If you have chemically processed hair

Too much bleach? We blame Daenerys Targaryen, who single-handedly made the stock prices for peroxide go up in the last several years. (Kidding—sort of.) And as anyone with overly processed hair knows, it is always one bad brush away from breaking off so your instinct is to keep your hands away at all costs. The cruel irony, of course, is that this just makes your hair more susceptible to tangles.   

For detangling fragile or fried strands, start by exercising caution when washing your hair. After wetting it thoroughly, apply shampoo and massage it on your scalp only to avoid roughing up the rest of your hair. Your scalp is where most of the sweat and oils are anyway, so you’ll still get rid of any gunk without causing dryness or knots.

After cleansing your scalp, we’d recommend thoroughly coating your hair in a deep conditioning treatment or mask before taking a comb to it. On that note, you definitely want a wide-toothed comb in this scenario because a brush is more likely to snag at your delicate strands. 

Once your hair has dried to a (hopefully) knot-free state, run a hair serum or oil through the lower thirds of your strands. Tangles aside, your ends will drink up any moisture they can get.

And on that final note—and this applies to all fellow tangle sufferers regardless of hair type, so listen up—stay on top of getting trims. Keep your ends healthy and well-maintained and you’ll not only find yourself with fewer tangles, but you’ll experience fewer split ends as well.

How to Detangle Hair After Braids?

Do not keep the braids for longer than a month, as it will cause matting and product build-up. However, detangling hair might be challenging since the strands are getting bonded the longer they stay together. So, how to successfully and adequately detangle the braids?

Step 1. Take your time.

Do not yank your hair when you cannot detangle it at once. To finish the process will take time and patience. When the hair is left too long, it might take a few days to complete detangling the hair if you do not want to break it.

Step 2. Use Conditioner.

People use conditioners to rehydrate hair and moisturize it, which is excellent when struggling with frizzy hair. It is also great to make your hair slippery, making it easier to detangle matted hair. Using hydrating shampoo alongside it can also keep your hair moisturized.

Step 3. Applying Oil.

Aside from making your hair hydrated and slippery, applying oil can make your hair soft. It also does not irritate the scalp, making it a good option for sensitive skin. It even helps with removing the flakes off your scalp without irritation. Many oil products have different benefits and are safe to use.

Step 4. Use Your Finger When Detangling Hair.

You might have the urge to comb out your hair after taking out the braids to make it easier to detangle. However, using a comb or brush might rip your healthy hair off your scalp. Use your finger to determine the knots that you have to detangle quickly. It will also be easier to separate the strands without tugging too much.


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