Why Balanced diet is important for health?

Balanced-Diet chart22

Medically reviewed in  Food Science and Nutrition,

All of us deserve a good life and if it can be made healthy, that is like a cherry on top of the cake. But how do you make your life healthy? That is where we help you with. There is no way you build a healthy living without a balanced diet chart and here is the way you make one.

Table of Contents

What is a balanced diet chart?

Importance of a Balanced Diet Chart

Components of a Balanced Diet Chart

10 Ways to Maintain a Balanced Diet Chart

A balanced diet is a diet that gives your body all the nutrients required, in order to function correctly. Appropriate knowledge and lifestyle modification play a key role in guiding you for maintaining a balanced diet chart and healthy life ahead.

A balanced diet is not a crash diet. It is a well-planned diet that aims at covering all the important macro-nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fat along with micro-nutrients which include vitamins and minerals.

“Good nutrition- an adequate, well-balanced diet combined with regular physical activity- is a cornerstone of good health”- World Health Organisation.

Are you looking for the best Indian Diet Plan to lose weight? The rules are simple.

All you need to do is start eating right food. However, in India, this can feel like an insurmountable challenge, given our food culture and dietary habits. For instance, a typical Indian meal is high in carbohydrates and sugar – we eat a lot of potatoes, rice, and sweets.

We also love our snacks and can’t imagine a day without our fix of namkeens and bhujias. Even we encourage our friends and family into eating more, as a sign of hospitality and affection, and consider refusing, an extra helping a rebuff. To top it all, we’ve never embraced physical exercise as essential. So, it isn’t a surprise that India is battling with a growing problem of obesity.

Understand the Science Behind Weight Loss

Weight loss and gain revolve around caloric consumption and expenditure. Simply put, you lose weight when you consume fewer calories than you expend and you gain weight when you consume more calories than you sweat.

To drop those extra kilos, all you need to do is eat within your calorie budget and burn the required number of calories. So, a combination of the two works best suggested experts.

However, simply determining how many calories your body needs isn’t enough. After all, four samosas (600 calories), two slices of pizza (500 calories), and two gulab jamuns (385 calories) may be within your daily requirement of 1500 calories, but these unhealthy food choices will eventually lead to other health problems like high cholesterol and blood sugar.

To lose weight the healthy way, you also need to ensure your Indian diet plan is balanced i.e. it covers all food groups and provides all the nutrients you need necessary for good health.

Weight Loss Diet Plan Chart – Day 1:

After starting your day with cucumber water, have oats porridge and mixed nuts for breakfast.

Next, have a roti with dal and gajar matar sabzi for lunch.

Follow that up with dal and lauki sabzi along with a roti for dinner.

Day 1 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)

8:00 AM Oats Porridge in Skimmed Milk (1 bowl),Mixed Nuts (25 grams)

12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)

2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

2:10 PM Dal(1 katori)Gajar Matar Sabzi (1 katori),Roti (1 roti/chapati)

4:00 PM Cut Fruits (1 cup) Buttermilk (1 glass)

5:30 PM Tea with Less Sugar and Milk (1 teacup)

8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

9:00 PM Dal (1 katori) Lauki Sabzi (1 katori),Roti (1 roti/chapati)

Weight Loss Diet Plan Chart – Day 2:

On the second day, eat a mixed vegetable stuffed roti along with curd for breakfast.

For lunch, have half a katori of methi rice along with lentil curry.

Next, end your day with sautƩed vegetables and green chutney.

Day 2 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)

8:00 AM Curd (1.5 katori) Mixed Vegetable Stuffed Roti (2 pieces)

12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)

2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

2:10 PM Lentil Curry (0.75 bowl) Methi Rice (0.5 katori)

4:00 PM Apple (0.5 small (2-3/4″ dia)) Buttermilk (1 glass)

5:30 PM Coffee with Milk and Less Sugar (0.5 tea cup)

8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

9:00 PM Sauteed Vegetables with Paneer (1 katori) Roti (1 roti/chapati) ,Green Chutney (2 tablespoon)

Weight Loss Diet Plan Chart  – Day 3:

Breakfast on day 3 would include Multigrain Toast and Skim Milk Yogurt.

In the afternoon, have sauteed vegetables along with paneer and some green chutney.

Half a katori of methi rice and some lentil curry to make sure you end the day on a healthy note.

Day 3 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)

8:00 AM Skim Milk Yoghurt (1 cup (8 fl oz)) Multigrain Toast (2 toast)

12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)

2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

2:10 PM Sauteed Vegetables with Paneer (1 katori) Roti (1 roti/chapati),Green Chutney (2 tablespoon)

4:00 PM Banana (0.5 small (6″ to 6-7/8″ long)) Buttermilk (1 glass)

5:30 PM Tea with Less Sugar and Milk (1 teacup)

8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

9:00 PM Lentil Curry (0.75 bowl) Methi Rice (0.5 katori)

Weight Loss Diet Plan Chart – Day 4:

Start Day 4 with a Fruit and Nuts Yogurt Smoothie and Egg Omelette

Follow that up with Moong Dal, Bhindi Sabzi, and roti.

Complete the day’s food intake with steamed rice and palak chole.

Day 4 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)

8:00 AM Fruit and Nuts Yogurt Smoothie (0.75 glass),Egg Omelette (1 serve(one egg))

12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)

2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

2:10 PM Green Gram Whole Dal Cooked (1 katori) Bhindi sabzi (1 katori),Roti (1 roti/chapati)

4:00 PM Orange (1 fruit (2-5/8″ dia)) Buttermilk (1 glass)

5:30 PM Coffee with Milk and Less Sugar (0.5 teacup)

8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

9:00 PM Palak Chole (1 bowl) Steamed Rice (0.5 katori)

Weight Loss Diet Plan Chart – Day 5:

Have a glass of skimmed milk and peas poha for breakfast on the fifth day.

Eat a missi roti with low fat paneer curry in the afternoon.

End the day with roti, curd and aloo baingan tamatar ki sabzi.

Day 5 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)

8:00 AM Skimmed Milk (1 glass) Peas Poha (1.5 katori)

12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)

2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

2:10 PM Low Fat Paneer Curry (1.5 katori) Missi Roti (1 roti)

4:00 PM Papaya (1 cup 1″ pieces) Buttermilk (1 glass)

5:30 PM Tea with Less Sugar and Milk (1 teacup)

8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

9:00 PM Curd (1.5 katori) Aloo Baingan Tamatar Ki Sabzi (1 katori),Roti (1 roti/chapati)

Weight Loss Diet Plan Chart – Day 6:

On Day 6, have idli with sambar for breakfast

For lunch, roti with curd and aloo baingan tamatar ki sabzi

To end Day 6, eat green gram with roti and bhindi sabzi

Day 6 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)

8:00 AM Mixed Sambar (1 bowl) Idli (2 idli)

12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)

2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

2:10 PM Curd (1.5 katori) Aloo Baingan Tamatar Ki Sabzi (1 katori),Roti (1 roti/chapati)

4:00 PM Cut Fruits (1 cup) Buttermilk (1 glass)

5:30 PM Coffee with Milk and Less Sugar (0.5 tea cup)

8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

9:00 PM Green Gram Whole Dal Cooked (1 katori)Bhindi sabzi (1 katori), Roti (1 roti/chapati)

Weight Loss Diet Plan Chart – Day 7:

On the seventh day, start with besan chilla and green garlic chutney.

Have steamed rice and palak chole for lunch.

End the week on a healthy note with low fat paneer curry and missi roti.

Day 7 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)

8:00 AM Besan Chilla (2 cheela) Green Garlic Chutney (3 tablespoon)

12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)

2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

2:10 PM Palak Chole (1 bowl) Steamed Rice (0.5 katori)

4:00 PM Apple(0.5 small (2-3/4″ dia)) Buttermilk (1 glass)

5:30 PM Tea with Less Sugar and Milk (1 teacup)

8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)

9:00 PM Low Fat Paneer Curry (1 katori) Missi Roti (1 roti)

Balanced Diet Plans for Weight Loss

While creating a diet chart, it is important to make sure it is balanced and ensures that you receive all the required nutrients. Thus, include the following nutrients in your diet plan:

1. Carbohydrates Diet Plan

Carbs are the body’s main source of energy and should make up half of your daily calorie requirement. However, it’s important to choose the right type of carbs. Simple carbs, such as bread, biscuit, white rice and wheat flour, contain too much sugar and are bad for you.

Instead, opt for complex carbs that are high in fiber and packed with nutrients as compared to simple carbs. This is because Fiber-rich complex carbs are harder to digest, leaving you feeling full for longer, and are therefore the best option for weight control.

Brown rice, millets such as ragi and oats are all good complex carb choices.

2. Proteins Diet Plan

Most Indians fail to meet their daily protein requirement. This is troublesome, as proteins are essential to help the body build and repair tissue, muscles, cartilage and skin, as well as pump blood. Hence. a high protein diet can also help you lose weight, as it helps build muscle – which burns more calories than fat.

                                               Best Indian diet plan protein rich food

For instance, about 30% of your diet should consist of protein in the form of whole dals, paneer, chana, milk, leafy greens, eggs, white meat or sprouts. Having one helping of protein with every meal is essential.

3. Fats Diet Plan

A food group that has acquired a bad reputation, fats are essential for the body as they synthesize hormones, store vitamins and provide energy. Experts suggest one-fifth or 20% of your diet must consist of healthy fats – polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Best Indian diet plan oils

For example, using a combination of oils for different meals – including olive oil, rice bran oil, mustard oil, soya bean, sesame, sunflower and groundnut oil – along with restricted quantities of butter and ghee is the most optimal way to consume fats. But,  you must avoid trans fats – that are found in fried snacks, completely for a balanced Indian Diet Plan.

4. Vitamins and Minerals Diet Plan

Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, calcium and iron are essential for the body as they support metabolism, nerve and muscle function, bone maintenance, and cell production. Since, these are primarily derived from plants, meat and fish, minerals can also be found in nuts, oilseeds, fruits and green leafy vegetables.

                                              Best Indian diet plan minerals and vitamins

Experts and nutritionists recommend consuming 100 grams of greens and 100 grams of fruits accordingly.

5. Indian Weight Loss Diet Plan Meal Swaps

One of the easiest ways to eat healthy is to swap out the unhealthy foods from your Indian Diet plan is with its healthier alternatives.

For example, fulfil your cravings for a snack to munch on with air popped popcorn instead of relying on potato chips. So, it is great if you check out a few healthy meal swap options that you could try going forward.

Along with a balanced Weight loss diet chart plan, these habits will help you stay healthy:

Opt for 5-6 meals a day: Instead of three large meals, try having three modest meals and a few snack breaks in controlled portions for the day. Spacing your meals across regular intervals prevents acidity and bloating and also keeps hunger pangs at bay. So, quit your junk food habit by making healthier snacking choices in your indian diet plan.

Have an early dinner: Indians eat dinner later than the other societies across the world. Since metabolism slows down at night, a late dinner can lead to weight gain. Experts recommend you eat your last meal of the day by 8 pm.

Drink a lot of water: How does drinking more water help you lose weight? For starters, it’s zero calories. Also, drinking a glass of water can help curb hunger pangs. Have six to eight glasses of water daily to lose weight and also find a list of drinks that will help you lose weight here.

Eat a lot of fiber: A person needs at least 15 gm of fiber every day, as it aids digestion and heart health. Oats, lentils, flax seeds, apples and broccoli are some great sources of fiber.

In conclusion to everything stated above. you don’t necessarily have to ditch your regular food habits or make massive changes to your diet, all you need is to follow the best balanced Indian diet plan to get fit!

Diet Plan – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is the 7 Day Challenge diet?

A. The 7 Day GM Challenge diet is a popular diet plan that helps you lose 5kgs to 7kgs of weight. You can have more information about this diet, here.

Q. What is the diet chart to lose weight? 

A. You can follow healthifyMe’s carefully curated, 1200 calorie diet plan to lose weight. 

Q. Which Indian food is best for weight loss?

A. There is no single best Indian food for weight loss. Any whole food found in its natural state can be suited for weight loss such as dals, pulses, nuts, seeds, spices etc.

Q. What drink helps burn fat?

A. There are no miracle drinks to burn fat. However, diet may include drinks like Jeera Water, lemon water, amla juice can help boost your metabolism and may help in getting rid of the excess fat.

Q. What is the most effective weight loss diet?

A. A diet which focuses on whole foods rich in nutrients is effective and sustainable if followed consistently. However, the above diet chart is highly effective to shed some kilos. 

Q. What are the 9 Rules to Lose weight?

A. Out of the many rules to lose weight, the 9 important ones are as follows – keep yourself hydrated, improve your eating habits, look for a suitable calorie deficit plan, include protein in your diet, workout regularly, keep yourself physically active, maintain a healthy lifestyle, allow yourself a cheat day, sleep better.

Q. Is Indian diet healthy?

A. Indian diets are diverse and many are healthy because they include varied cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables and less meat consumption.

Q. Is banana good for weight loss?

A. Bananas are loaded with fiber that slows the digestion process, making you feel full and help in weight loss. However, bananas are high in calories as well so one needs to limit the portion size.

Q. What are the 5 foods you should not eat to lose weight?

A. There can be few foods that you can avoid to maintain your weight like Processed Food, Junk food, Alcoholic beverages, Sugary drinks and Desserts.

Q. How can I lose 5kg in a month on an Indian diet?

A. Burning fat depends on a lot of factors that must be considered before setting up a goal. Your current Age, BMI, Gender as well as lifestyle plays a key role in the process. However, you can follow our Best Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss article which will help you in the process. 

Q. Does jeera water reduce weight?

A. Yes, Jeera Water is known to boost metabolism and burn fat. Explore more about Jeera Water here.

Q. Can I lose 10 kg in a month? 

A. Losing 10 kgs in a month is not a healthy goal and can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Weight depends on a lot of criterions like Age, Gender, BMI, etc. Also, making some changes in your diet and lifestyle can help you lose weight. You can follow our Best Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss to work dedicatedly towards the goal .

Q. What Indian food can I eat with type 2 diabetes?

A. You can eat foods like Brown Rice, Multigrain chapati, legumes and pulses, all leafy green vegetables etc. Consult your dietitian about the dos/don’ts before you add something to your diet plan. 

Q. What is the best Indian breakfast for diabetics type 2?  

A. Vegetable Oats or Moong Dal cheela can be one of the best Indian breakfast for type 2 diabetics. 

Q. Can PCOS patients reduce weight?

A. Yes, however, it can be a struggle. It is essential for you to consult a doctor before committing to a diet plan. 

Q. Does vegetarian diet promote weight loss?

A. One might think it is difficult for vegetarians to lose weight, because it is difficult for them to fulfil the protein intake. However, one might include curd, paneer and lentils in their diets. These are high-protein vegetarian foods that promote weight loss. 


The Best Diet Plan for Weight Loss

No single food provides all the calories and nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. That’s why a balanced diet consisting of macronutrients like carbohydrates, protein, and fat along with micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals, is recommended.

The best Indian diet for weight loss is a combination of the five major food groups – fruits and vegetables, cereals and pulses, meat and dairy products, and fats and oils. Furthermore, knowing how to divvy up the food groups, allocate portion sizes, and the best/ideal time to eat is also equally important.

1200 Calorie Weight Loss Diet Chart Plan

A lot can be spoken about what goes into an ideal diet chart. However, one’s nutritional requirement varies based on various factors. It could change depending on gender, for example, male dietary requirements vary from that of a female.

Geography can play a role as well, with North Indian diets being largely different from South Indian ones. So, here meal preferences come into play since the consumption of food by a vegetarian or a vegan differ largely from that by a non-vegetarian.

However, we have put together a diet plan ideal for weight loss with Indian food. This 7 day diet plan also known as a 1200 calorie diet plan is a sample, and should not be followed by any individual without consulting a nutritionist.

10 Amazing Ways to Maintain a Balanced Diet Chart

Want to become the best version of yourself?

Learn to eat right with a customised meal plan.

Know More

What is a balanced diet chart?

A balanced diet chart is a representation of a healthy diet chart that comprises of all the required nutrients. It includes all the food groups and ensures that we are getting everything that our body needs through our diet.

It is a guideline that gives us the right food choices for optimal health.

Balance Diet Chart

Balanced Diet Food Pyramid

Importance of a Balanced Diet Chart

Various studies have been conducted to evaluate the health benefits of nutritious, well-balanced diet along with its impact on prolonging wellness and even longevity.

A balanced diet chart is of utmost importance for the body to function properly.

It provides essential micronutrients viz. vitamins and minerals to maintain the cells, tissues, and organs.

A balanced diet chart also helps in maintaining a healthy weight, reduces body fat, provides your body with energy, and eventually gives a feeling of well-being. 

A balanced diet chart keeps you on track, helping in healthy lifestyle modification.

Tip: Choose a variety of coloured fruits and vegetables like the colours of the rainbow. Remember fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat while providing fiber and key nutrients that keep us healthy.

Components of a Balanced Diet Chart

 1. Vitamins and Minerals

These are body protecting nutrients. They regulate body metabolism and protect against infections, deficiency diseases and any metabolic imbalance.

Make sure to include multi-colored, whole fruits and vegetables that are a treasure of minerals and vitamins.

Fruits and Vegetables are low in Calories

Food & Vegetables provide key nutrients that keep us healthy. Similarly, vegetables such as dark green leafy veggies should be included in your meal. Adding a variety of veggies like broccoli, spinach, beans, lettuce, etc to your meal will help you in getting the bountiful nutrients required for the body.

2. Protein

This nutrient is associated with bodybuilding, growth, and development. This is required to help your body repair cells and make new ones.

According to Harvard Medical School, about 20% of your daily diet should consist of protein found in pulses like whole grams, dals, chickpeas, peas, lentils, beans, peanuts, milk, eggs, fish, and meat.

Protein also plays an important role in growth and development during the early stages of childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy.

 3. Carbohydrate

This nutrient is equally necessary as associated with energy giving and sustainability.  The voluntary and involuntary functions of the body are well-regulated with the efficient supply of energy in the form of glucose.

Protein is associated with growth and development

Food Containing Protein

Consume complex carbohydrates which include whole grains such as brown rice, wheat, ragi, jowar, bajra, oatmeal, quinoa, and potatoes among others. Hence, carbs should not be avoided and it should be a part of your daily diet.

4. Fats 

Fats play an important role in providing energy, circulation of vitamins and hormone synthesis. Include more of fats which are high in unsaturated fatty acids like MUFA and PUFA that provides essential fatty acids as in sunflower oil, fish oil, nuts and seeds.

Also, while cooking, you can go for unrefined or cold pressed oil which has a higher nutritional value than the unrefined oil.

Well! You may say that, why do you have to maintain a diet chart? Is the current food that you are having is not right? Because you have been consuming that since years and you are totally fine.

We totally understand you when you say that! But before you doubt further on the chart, see if you have all the below 10 essentials included in your daily diet.

10 Ways to Maintain a Balanced Diet Chart

Now that you are already aware of the importance of having a balanced diet chart, we bring to you 10 of the simplest ways to work on your meals, lifestyle and eating habits in order to enjoy a balanced healthy life.

1. Follow the correct mealtime

 A diet chart comprises of 5 small meals in a day with a gap of 3 hours between each meal. A gap of more than 3 hours will increase the stress hormones cortisol that will let the body store fat in the belly. 

If these meals are eaten in proper time it will keep the cortisol levels in check and thus reducing belly fat. Food eaten at the right time will also help in better digestion.

According to the American Heart Association, an irregular eating pattern affects the metabolism and can even hinder the normal cardiometabolic health

2. Be physically active during the day

If you are physically active during the day it will help you in reducing weight and you will feel less lethargic. Diet alone is not sufficient when it comes to achieving ideal health. With the input of calories, it is essential for its release as well so as to maintain the balance. 

If you are inactive and lacking in physical activity than your body might accumulate extra calories that is harmful in the long run. Here are few easy-to-do weight loss exercises to pump you up.

3. Maintain a list of healthy foods

Research and gather knowledge about the foods and their nutrient content. This will give you an idea of the foods that are nutritious and meeting your health requirements. 

Good healthy fat foods that you can include in your diet plan 

Healthy Foods for Balanced Diet

Also, this will help in wise grocery shopping with healthy foods as per the availability and accessibility.

4. Replace processed foods with fruits and veggies

Fruits and vegetables are the natural foods that will help to maintain a healthy diet chart for the body. Sadly, these foods have been replaced by processed foods.

For example, tinned vegetables or breakfast cereals being the main culprit for weight gain. Similarly, prefer having whole fruits rather than having market available fruit juices.

According to the British Medical Journal, with 10% increment of ultra-processed food in the diet, increases the chances of cancer detection by 12%.

Processed foods are unhealthy and contain added sugar, salt, and fat. They also contain preservatives and additives that can lead to life-threatening consequences like cancer. Therefore, prefer more fruits, vegetables, and home- cooked food.

5. Include more Proteins

If you want to lose weight, add more proteins to your diet as protein takes more time and energy to break down in the body. Protein intake of 0.8-1 gram per kg body weight helps in weight loss and maintaining healthy muscle mass as well.

According to a study published in European Journal of Obesity, it was seen that adherence to high protein diet resulted in significant weight loss.

This is attributed to:

High satiety value

High thermic value

Regulation of hormones

You can include snacks like sprouts, peanuts, greek yogurt and seeds instead of chips to fulfill your protein requirement. You can even opt for a healthier source of protein from Possible’s wide range of products.

For example, shake-a-day, a whey protein drink that you can make a fruit pudding or quinoa can be eaten instead of rice.

6. Include milk and milk products

Dairy products are the best source of calcium that is essential for healthy bones and is also necessary for regulating muscle contraction. If your calcium intake is inadequate, you might suffer from osteoporosis and various bone diseases.

Dairy products that are rich in calcium are low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, and milk. If you are a person who dislikes dairy products then, have these dairy-free calcium supplements for your diet.

7. Have the required carbs

It is wise to choose the required amount of carbs needed for the body. Most of the carbohydrates are present in plant foods like pulses, cereals, and millets.

Your healthy diet chart should mainly consist of complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, brown rice, oats, lentils, fruits, and vegetables.

They are rich in fiber which keeps you feeling fuller for a longer period of time. Researches have proved that regular intake of fiber ensures healthy prevention of metabolic disorders like diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

8. Reduce the fat intake

Decrease the intake of fats, specifically the one rich in saturated fats, as too much of it can lead to weight gain and other related health problems.  For example butter, margarine and solid fats.

The required amount of fats needed for the body totally depends on the foods that you are consuming. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, the fat requirement for an adult man and woman is around 20 grams.

While cooking, you can go for unrefined or cold pressed oil which has a higher nutritional value than the unrefined oil.

9. Cut down sugar in your tea/coffee

Sugar is the lead villain to increase your waistline in the body. Sugar is addictive like a drug to most of the people, who like to add sweet sugar to their favorite foods.

Cut down sugar in your tea/coffee

Cut down sugar

Too much consumption of sugar may cause diabetes, insulin resistance, heart disease, obesity among many lifestyle disorders.

10. Remove ‘Salt’ from your table

Eating too much salt, causes the extra water to store in your body that raises the blood pressure. According to a review published by Harvard School of Public Health, the excess intake of salt and sodium has a negative health impact on heart, arteries, kidneys, and brain.

This can lead to heart attacks, strokes, dementia, and kidney disease. Also, sodium in salt also causes water retention that makes your body fluffy and heavy. With the change in requirements, the pattern and customization of balanced diet chart also vary among men and women. 

Nutritionist Recommended Balanced Diet for Women

A woman’s nutritional requirements differ from men. For example, a woman requires more iron than man due to her monthly menstrual cycles.

Here is a healthy diet chart planned by Possible Nutritionist, Shunmukha Priya herself.  This chart contains 5 meals that will also help in maintaining a weight loss diet plan for women. 

Nutritionist Recommended Balanced Diet Chart for Women

Balanced Diet Chart for Women

This can be followed by a glass of milk with elaichi before bedtime for a sufficient supply of amino acids and healthy blood parameters regulation.

Nutritionist Recommended Balanced Diet for Men

Men should have a proper healthy diet that will help build up their stamina and keep them active throughout the day.

Here’s a weight loss diet plan for men recommended by Possible Nutritionist, Shunmukha Priya, that will give balanced nutrition

Nutritionist Recommended Balanced Diet Chart for Men

Balanced Diet Chart For Men

A well-balanced diet chart is not just a piece of paper or some designed table, it is a guiding tool that ensures healthy you and your future. Therefore, maintaining healthy diet chart is maintaining your health and future ahead.


Now that you have read all the essential foods and activities that comprise a balanced diet chart ask yourself if all these essentials are present in your daily diet today. These are not just foods that will make your body great, but the necessary needs that fulfils your body cravings.

Yes! You may savour all the junk food and assume that you feel great within, but eventually leading to bad immunity, obesity and many other chronic diseases. You may not want that, and we do not want that for you. Let us help the nation get fit, starting from you.

Quick Bytes

Q. How do you eat a balanced diet?

A. In order to eat a balanced diet, the following points should be kept in mind

Choose healthy alternatives of foods.

Include foods from all the food groups.

Keep a check on meal portions.

Avoid added sugar and packaged foods.

Keep a variety on your plate.

Q. How do you eat properly?

   A. Eating properly isn’t just about the food but also about the follwing points.

Don’t skip meals.

Always follow a balanced diet.

Eat more veggies and fruits.

Avoid aerated beverages.

Q. What should eat in diet?

  A. The following foods will not only help in maintaining a proper diet but also help in weight loss.

Leafy vegetables


Whole eggs

Beans and leegumes



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