How to get rid of anemia completely? This one drink is enough

 How to get rid of anemia completely? This one drink is enough

Anemia is a condition where your blood does not have enough red blood cells. It restricts the blood from carrying the oxygen needed by the body.

If you are anemic, you will feel tired all the time. Sometimes you may also experience irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain and cold hands and feet. The skin may also appear pale and yellow.

Now let's see how we can prepare juice that cures anemia.

required things:

Gooseberry – 4

Curry leaves - a bunch

Mint - a bunch

Coriander – a little

Honey - 2 tbsp


Remove the nut of the gooseberry and grind it with curry leaves, mint and coriander after adding some water.

Add required amount of water and filter. Add 2 teaspoons of honey and serve.

This gooseberry juice provides instant rejuvenation and gradually corrects anemia.


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