How to get rid of black heads and white heads naturally


Black heads and white heads that can be found above the nose, jaw area, and forehead can diminish our beauty. If we want to remove all this, mostly women and men go to the beauty parlor in today's situation. Some people buy and use a scrubber available in the store to remove these black heads and white heads.

Buy and use a scraper available in the store to remove these. But the result is not fully available. Today we are going to know a little tip to get a solution to this problem at home.

First of all we have to steam the face well to remove these blackheads and white spots. Pour boiling water into a pot and expose your face to the steam coming out of the water.

Wrap yourself in a blanket and steam for ten minutes like you would for a cold. Only then will the roots of the black heads loosen.

Then add 1 spoon of white sugar, 2 pinches of turmeric, 1 spoon of honey in a small bowl, mix these three ingredients well and apply it on your face and gently scrub it. (You can add two spoons of lemon juice if you prefer lemon juice to your face.) If you don't want to use white sugar, you can also use plain sugar.

This pack can be applied all over the face. Especially above the nose, forehead area, jaw area, put this pack on all these places and scrub gently for 5 minutes. Buy and keep a soft toothbrush. It should be used only on the face. While this scrub is on the face, gently rub it with the brush.

If you rub this brush on the areas where there are more blackheads and whiteheads such as the nose area, the area around the nose, and the forehead area, those blackheads and whiteheads will be removed well.

If you are still not satisfied, a small needle-like tool is available in stores to remove these blackheads. It will be cheaper. If you buy it and keep it at home and apply pressure on all the blackheads, all the blackheads that may be present there will be removed.

Then wash your face with plain water. Your face will be very tired now. That means after doing some work by pressing the skin, all the pores in the skin will be open. This should be closed again. Place an ice cube on a soft cotton handkerchief and massage gently all over the face in a circular motion.

Especially from the place where you have removed most of the blackheads, give an ice cube massage. Then watch your face get a unique glow. Do this only one day a week. Do not scrub your face often. The face is likely to shrink quickly. If you like this remedy, try it.


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