
How to darken grey hair naturally at home|Home remedies for darkening grey hair naturally at home

Darken gray hair naturally: Grey hair , is the main problem faced by many people at a young age today. By applying synthetic hair dyes causes side effects. We can prepare hair spray  at home to turn grey hair into black hair. Natural hair spray preparation: Ingredients: Brinjhi leaf -3 Clove -1 spoon Water -200 ml Coffee powder - 1 spoon Preparation Method: 1.First add water in a vessel and add chopped brinjhi leaves and boil it well. 2.Then add cloves to it and boil it for 10 minutes and filter it. 3.Then after it cools down filter it. 4.Then mix it with coffee powder and pour it in a spray bottle 5.If you keep spraying this on the gray hair, the gray hair will soon turn black. 6.The coffee in it helps in smooth hair and hair growth. Tips: Lifestyle changes as a solution for gray hair: If you’re worried because you’ve spotted a few gray hairs, you can make lifestyle changes that can help you keep your original hair color longer. Following are some of these changes. Get enough vitamin

Effective Exercises for a Smooth Normal Delivery|Best exercises for natural childbirth|What can I do for a smooth and easy normal delivery?

Simple and Effective Exercises for a Smooth Normal Delivery: Normal delivery is a highly anticipated event for pregnant women. There are various methods to facilitate a smooth labor and delivery process, and one of them involves engaging in exercises specifically aimed at promoting a normal delivery. While some women may be unaware of the benefits of pregnancy exercises for normal delivery, it is important to note that when performed correctly and at an appropriate intensity, they can significantly improve the likelihood of smooth delivery. Even if you were not physically active before, it is now important to exercise for a healthy pregnancy. For most expecting mothers, gynaecologist doctors in Gurgaon recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises on most or all days of the week. You don’t have to join gym or exercise classes, just making small changes in your daily routine can help.  Benefits of Regular Exercise During Pregnancy Incorporating a few simple exercises i

Breastfeeding tips|How to breastfeed: breastfeeding positions|common breastfeeding position| breastfeeding positions, latch, positioning|how to hold baby to breastfeed |Benefits of breastfeeding

  Breastfeeding position & Benefits of breast feeding: There are generally four methods of breastfeeding. Baby's head and body should be straight while feeding. Improve latching: 1.If the baby is not breastfed properly, the milk will curdle and the milk secretion will begin to decrease. Therefore, it should not be dismissed casually. It plays a major role in the development of the child. 2.Baby's head and body should be straight while feeding. The baby's head should be in line with the mother's breasts and its face should be opposite the breastbone. The nipple should be on top of the baby's mouth. Initially it may seem difficult for both the baby and the mother. 3.It won't seem like such a big challenge as the months go by. The position of the baby's body close to the mother's body can lead to excess milk secretion. The mother's hand should support the baby's entire body. There are generally four methods of breastfeeding. They are cradle pos

How to prevent hair fall during Postpartum|how to stop hair fall after pregnancy

THE TRUTH ABOUT PREGNANCY HAIR LOSS:  Postpartum hair loss is a common problem faced by many new mothers. It typically occurs between the second and sixth month after giving birth and can last for several months. While postpartum hair fall can be alarming, it is a natural and temporary condition that is usually resolved on its own. Let us understand what causes hair fall after delivery and the ways through which you can overcome it. What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss? During pregnancy , hormonal changes can lead to an increase in hair growth and thickness. A higher level of estrogen can cause the hair to remain in the growth phase for longer periods, resulting in fuller and thicker hair. However, after childbirth, there is a sharp drop in the levels of estrogen and other hormones in the body, which can lead to hair loss after delivery. This hair loss is commonly referred to as telogen effluvium, where the hair follicles enter a resting phase, causing hair to fall out more easily than u

நல்ல தூக்கத்திற்கு சில 'டிப்ஸ்

  நல்ல தூக்கத்திற்கு சில 'டிப்ஸ்: தூக்கம் வாழ்க்கையில் மிக அவசியம். அது இல்லாவிட்டால் வாழ்க்கை யில் வேதனைதான் மிஞ்சும். சரியான தூக்கம் இல்லாவிட் டால் கோபம் வரும்; எல்லாவற் றுக்கும் உணர்ச்சிவசப்பட நேரும். நெருங்கியவர்களிடம் கூட எரிந்து விழுவீர்கள். இதனால் சில சமயம் உறவே பாதிக்கப்படலாம். இதையெல் லாம் தவிர்க்க தினமும் 7-8 மணி நேர தூக்கம் அவசியம் என்கிறார்கள் வல்லுனர்கள். தேர்வுகளில் அதிக மதிப்பெண் பெற்ற செய்தபோது, செய்தபோது, அந்த மாணவர்கள் மற்றவர்களை விட நிம்மதியாகத் தூங்கியிருப்பது தெரிந்தது. பிற்பகல் சாப்பாட்டை உரிய நேரத்தில் முடிப்ப வர்களுக்கு இரவு நன்றாகத் தூக்கம் வரும். அதிகமாக சாப்பிட்டாலும், நேர வரைமுறை யின்றி சாப்பிட்டாலும் இரவு தூக்கம் கெடுமாம். படுக்கைக்கு செல்வதற்கு ஒரு மணி நேரத்துக்கு முன்பு காபி குடிப்பதைத் தவிர்க்க வேண்டும் அதேபோல், டி.வி பார்ப்பது, இன்டர்நேதல் கேம்ஸ் விளையாடுதல்  ஆகியவற்றயும் தவிர்க்க. படுப்பதற்கு முன் உடற்பயிற்சி செய்யக் கூடாது. மாலையில் உடற்பயிற்சி செய்தால் இரவு நன்கு தூக்கம் வரும். ஆக்டிவ்வாக இருப்பவர்களுக்கு தூக்கம் நன்றாக வரும். இதற்கு ஒரே வழி, நடை

tips for better sleep|tips for good sleep|tips for sounding sleep|tips for healthy sleep |how to sleep better

Sleep is essential in life. Without it, there will be only pain in life. 1.Lack of proper sleep will cause anger; Everything is emotional. You will burn out even with close ones. This can sometimes affect the relationship. Experts say that 7-8 hours of sleep daily is necessary to avoid this. It was found that the students who scored higher in the exams slept more soundly than others. People who finish their afternoon meal on time get a good night's sleep. Even if you eat too much or eat without a time limit, you will lose sleep at night. People who finish their afternoon meal on time get a good night's sleep. Even if you eat too much or eat without a time limit, you will lose sleep at night. Before One hour to go to bed 2.Also avoid drinking coffee before time, watching TV and playing international games. 3.Do not exercise before going to bed. Exercising in the evening will help you sleep better at night. 4.Active people sleep well. 5.The only way to do this is by walking or cy

Disadvantage of hair colouring|impact of hair colouring|risk in hair colouring|things to remember while hair colouring|tips before hair colouring|Drawbacks of hair colouring|side effects of hair colouring

  DISADVANTAGE OF HAIR COLOURING: Many of today's young women who prefer to go to beauty salons are very fond of hair coloring. Some think it makes them look stylish and ultra-modern. But what are the side effects of hair coloring? Its details are as follows, 1.Damage to hair roots: Hair colors contain chemicals like ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. These help to penetrate the hair perfectly and retain the color. Apart from these, when you continue to use hair colors that are made with more chemicals, the natural oils in the hair are completely stripped away. 2. Hair dryness and breakage. It can lead to various problems like hair fall and damage to the hair roots. 3.Allergy : Regular use of these chemical hair colors can lead to many problems including scalp irritation and allergies. 4.Dental problems including hives blisters. 5.Cancer Risk: Research is continuing to investigate the chemical constituents found in hair. Based on the studies so far, it has been suggested that certain

How to increase breast milk supply naturally|How to increase breast milk naturally|Increase Breast Milk - 20 Super Effective Ways To get the milk flowing| how to breastfeed|Foods that increases breast milk supply|how to increase breast milk instantly|foods that increases breast milk|breast milk production food|increase breast milk|foods that boot breast milk supply|cause of low milk supply|sign of low milk supply|latching position

HOW TO INCREASE BREAST MILK NATURALLY: The body typically produces milk according to the baby’s “demand”. As milk leaves the breasts, the body receives signals to make more. As a result, frequent and thorough emptying of the breasts can lead to quicker milk production. The following methods may help people to produce more milk:              Consulting a nurse or lactation expert to learn about latching and the best way to hold a baby.               Feeding the baby any time they show hunger signs, such as licking their lips or putting their hands to their mouth.               Attempting regular and frequent feeds if possible, such as 8–12 times in 24 hours.               Switching between both breasts during a feeding session.               Expressing extra milk after breastfeeding.               Applying warm compresses to the breasts, especially before a feeding or pumping session.               Massaging breasts before, during, and after breastfeeding.               Avoiding bottle