How to increase breast milk supply naturally|How to increase breast milk naturally|Increase Breast Milk - 20 Super Effective Ways To get the milk flowing| how to breastfeed|Foods that increases breast milk supply|how to increase breast milk instantly|foods that increases breast milk|breast milk production food|increase breast milk|foods that boot breast milk supply|cause of low milk supply|sign of low milk supply|latching position


The body typically produces milk according to the baby’s “demand”. As milk leaves the breasts, the body receives signals to make more. As a result, frequent and thorough emptying of the breasts can lead to quicker milk production.

The following methods may help people to produce more milk:

             Consulting a nurse or lactation expert to learn about latching and the best way to hold a baby.

              Feeding the baby any time they show hunger signs, such as licking their lips or putting their hands to their mouth.

              Attempting regular and frequent feeds if possible, such as 8–12 times in 24 hours.

              Switching between both breasts during a feeding session.

              Expressing extra milk after breastfeeding.

              Applying warm compresses to the breasts, especially before a feeding or pumping session.

              Massaging breasts before, during, and after breastfeeding.

              Avoiding bottles and pacifiers until breastfeeding is well-established and the baby is gaining weight as expected.

              Expressing milk regularly if away from the baby – try pumping the breasts every 2–3 hours or roughly as frequently as the baby would eat.

              Trying an hour-long power pumping session — pumping the breasts for 10 minutes, resting for 10 minutes, pumping for another 10, resting again, and so on.


Breast milk production is directly related to how often your baby nurses (and to some extent, how often you pump). You will need to eat more calories than usual during this time, because your body needs that extra energy to make milk.1 Consider adding foods to your diet that have been found to have a positive impact on milk production.

Learn more about which foods to each and what to drink to increase breast milk.

If you want to make more breast milk, you can try eating foods to increase milk supply. Throughout the world, women in different cultures eat certain foods to give their milk production a boost.

20 foods that increases milk supply

1. Milk



4.cashew & Nuts


6.greeny vegetables




10.Chicken &Mutton

11. Seeds


13.fennel seeds 



16. Eggs 



19.Moringa leaves



      Drinking cow milk and coconut milk will helps in milk production.

      Germinate green gram (Soak it overnight and leave it dry for 4 to 5 hours). Grate coconut. Mix it with green gram) ate it raw.

      Your milk supply is based on supply and demand, so the more milk your baby (or pump) demands, the more milk your breasts will create. Thus, the secret to increasing your milk production lies in frequent feedings, especially in the first few weeks, and making sure to drain all the milk


      Intake of Sauted garlic in Oil or ghee.

      Heat the garlic in one cup of evaporated milk.


       Soak 10 Almonds in water on previous day. Morning, blend with milk to drink.

4. Cashew &nuts:

       Intake of 7 to 8 cashews and other nuts such as walnut, dried fig, flaxseeds,black grapes,pistachio.


      Taking fish curry in the afternoon meal.

      A type of fish called Paal Sura Fish - which is common in coastal areas. This fish will promote the breast milk secretion tremendously.

6.Greeny vegetables:

      Eating all greeny vegetables daily. Include carrot,Mushroom,coconut.


     Include all fruits. Especially, Apple for milk production.


    Tofu is an excellent source of protein. Protein is essential for the production of breast milk, and it passes from the woman to the baby to nourish and support growth. For this reason, breastfeeding women require an additional 25 grams of protein per day.


pasta is good for breast milk production


     Consuming chicken, eggs, tofu, and seafood has been associated with increased milk volume.


      Sesame seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds are a healthy addition to your diet. These foods pack large doses of minerals and good fats that help your body produce milk. Sprinkle them over salads, use them in smoothies, or enjoy them as a snack.


        Whole grains are very nutritious for breastfeeding parents. They're thought to have properties that support the hormones responsible for making breast milk. So, eating whole grains may increase your breast milk supply.

13.Fennel seeds:

     Both plants and seeds contain phytoestrogens that may help to enhance the milk supply. You can soak a teaspoon of Fennel seeds in a glass of water overnight and drink it in the morning or brew it in your tea.

14. Curd:

      Breastfeeding makes one lose all the calcium and vitamins from the body and thus consuming vitamin D-rich foods is necessary for mommies. According to several researches, milk and other calcium sources like Curd and Cheese can help make babies strong.


      Chickpeas are also brimming with vitamin B6, which helps your and your baby's immune system function at their best.


      eggs are an ideal food for breastfeeding mothers. As well as being high in protein, they contain a wide range of nutrients, many of which are particularly important for you and your baby, including folate, vitamin D, iodine, selenium, choline and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

17. Fenugreek:

      Fenugreek, a type of seed, can help increase your breast milk supply. When a woman is breastfeeding, her milk supply sometimes might decrease due to stress, fatigue, or a variety of other factors. If you feel like your supply is dwindling, consuming fenugreek can be a simple, effective way to boost your production.


      Take a glass of milk, soak the rusk into the milk. Eat it few times a day. it will produce more breast milk..

19.Moringa leaves: 

     Moringa the super-supplement for new mums

For centuries it has been used to improve nutrition in infants and breastfeeding mothers. One of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world, moringa leaves are rich in 5 essential vitamins & minerals including iron, calcium, vitamins A, E & K.

Moringa oleifera leaves increases the volume of breast milk by increasing prolactin and providing essential nutrients [2], [5].

       Breast-feeding: Moringa leaf is possibly safe to use while breastfeeding for up to 4 months.


        Jeera or cumin seeds are a rich source of iron and help to strengthen energy postpartum. Consumption of whole cumin seeds stimulates milk production. You can soak some cumin seeds in a glass of water and drink it early in the morning to improve lactation.

Other possible way to increase breast milk production:



Drain out one breast before switching to the other:

When one breast is completely drained, it starts to produce more milk as compared to the breast that still has some milk left in it. Therefore, to increase the milk flow, breast feed your baby from one side till the breast becomes empty and then switch to the next one. How to know if your breast is empty? A full breast feels stiff upon touching and an empty breast will not feel hard if you gently massage it. 

To increase breast milk production, you can empty the breasts by expressing the breastmilk.Remember, a contaminated and poorly stored milk can be very harmful for your baby.

4. Hydrate yourself first.

Drink a glass of water, juice or any hydrating fresh liquid right before sitting down to breastfeed your little one. You may notice the difference yourself.

5. Massages wake your boobs up.

We already know that massaging our body increases the blood flow and rejuvenates our body. The same principle applies here. Gently massage your breasts before starting the breastfeed process. This will improve the flow of the milk. If you are using a breast pump to express your milk, it is advised to massage each breast before starting to pump. Express milk for 10-15 minutes, then take a short break to massage that breast again and then continue for the next 15 minutes. Repeat this process for the other

7. Eat well - it reflects in your breastmilk

This sounds simple but works magic. Remember, whatever you eat will be reflected in your breast milk – not only by nutrients but also by taste. Also, if you are feeling that your baby is not enjoying prolong breast milk, it might be due to the taste. Try changing your diet. It may actually work. 

Green leafy vegetables along with nuts are said to increase the supply of breast milk. Beetroots and Carrots are said to work magic in this regard. However, beetroot may change the flavor of your milk which your newborn may not like. Include carrots in salads and soups - whichever medium you prefer.

8. Avoid stress.

"Are you kidding me? Being a new mom and not stressing about it?" - that must be going on in your mind. All I can say is that stress is bad! I cannot stress enough on the fact that stress is bad (getting a little cheesy!)The more stress you take on not having enough breast milk for your baby, the more are you suppressing the milk production 

relax. Breath in, breath out. Repeat. Sit in a soothing and calm environment with your baby, play with him/her for a while and then start to breastfeed. Do not think about a fight you had at work or how to clean that sofa stain or why your husband didn't tidy up the kitchen although he promised to – just relax and let your baby nourish himself/herself.

The advantages of breast milk are enormous, to say the least. By following the above mentioned steps you can actually improve the quality and flow of your breast milk many-fold.

The solution could be in your kitchen.

Home remedies go a long way to ise breast milk. Before you head to local pharmacy for a medication to boost your milk production, always give home remedies a chance. They are easy to access, do not cost much, have almost zero side-effects and are really effective.

Try using a teaspoon of Cumin seeds and Fenugreek a couple of times a day followed by a glass full of water - this is said to help a lot in the production of your milk.

Studies suggest that Fennel seeds not only improve your breast milk, they are also said to help if your baby has colic.

Alfalfa is also taken by a large number of women who have low milk supply issues.

Drink a glass of water right before starting the feed.

Green leafy vegetables, and underground fruit/ veggies like beetroot and carrots,etc.

The two P's : Pulses and porridge! They are said to increase the milk flow though there are still scientific facts pending for the 2P theory to prove true. But give it a shot!

Causes of low milk supply:

The potential causes of a low milk supply include:

Infrequent feedings — babies should feed at least every 1–3 hours

Short feedings — babies should feed long enough for breasts to soften

Certain medications, such as cold and flu treatments

Previous breast surgeries

Supplemental feedings away from the breast, as the body does not receive signals to produce more milk


High intake of alcohol or caffeine

starting a hormonal birth control method before a newborn is 6–8 weeks old, or using estrogen-containing contraception any time while breastfeeding

Medical conditions and other risk factors can also contribute to low milk production, such as:

High blood pressure





Gastric bypass

Hormonal disorders, such as thyroid disease

Endocrine disorders, such as polycystic ovary syndrome


Insufficient breast tissue

A retained placenta

Significant loss of blood after birth

What are the signs of a low milk supply?

Signs that suggest a baby is not getting enough milk include:

appearing sleepy and having low energy

not gaining the typical 5.5–8.5 ounces per week until they are 4 months old

not passing three to four stools per day by 4 days old

stools not showing seedy texture by 5 days old

not needing diapers changed six or more times every 24 hours after 5 days old

not waking up for night needs

short feeds, falling asleep during feeds, or both

feeding times last longer than 30–40 minutes

A person may also have a low milk supply if latching is painful or appears shallow.


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