
Showing posts from September, 2022

How to prevent Hair loss and promotes hair growth, Vitamin intake to prevent hair Loss and promote hair growth

 Vitamin intake to prevent hair Loss: There can be many reasons for hair loss. One of them is malnutrition. Such people should take certain vitamins and minerals. Otherwise, hair loss will increase. Now we are going to see what kind of food is essential for hair protection and what can prevent hair loss. If your hair loss problem is due to nutritional deficiency, it is better to consult your doctor before taking these foods. Biotin that prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth: Biotin is vitamin B7. It is very important for the growth of our body cells. If it decreases, the hair will suffer. Rashes occur on the skin . Nails become weak and worse. This can happen if you are pregnant or taking medicine for epilepsy or taking antibiotics. Egg yolks , whole grains, and meat are the sources of biotin. You will have a healthy hair growth. Iron prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth: Red blood cells in our blood carry oxygen. Iron deficiency in the blood causes anemia. This will cause

How to get rid of black heads and white heads naturally

  Black heads and white heads that can be found above the nose, jaw area, and forehead can diminish our beauty. If we want to remove all this, mostly women and men go to the beauty parlor in today's situation. Some people buy and use a scrubber available in the store to remove these black heads and white heads. Buy and use a scraper available in the store to remove these. But the result is not fully available. Today we are going to know a little tip to get a solution to this problem at home. First of all we have to steam the face well to remove these blackheads and white spots. Pour boiling water into a pot and expose your face to the steam coming out of the water. Wrap yourself in a blanket and steam for ten minutes like you would for a cold. Only then will the roots of the black heads loosen. Then add 1 spoon of white sugar, 2 pinches of turmeric, 1 spoon of honey in a small bowl, mix these three ingredients well and apply it on your face and gently scrub it. (You can add two spo

Pistachios helps in sperm count increase

Pistachios: Nutritional Value, Benefits and Side Effects , Is it good for skin?  Pistachios are a member of the cashew family ( Anacardiaceae)  and are historically the oldest nut that has been consumed for ages. They tend to grow in drylands in warm climates. The name pistachios came from the Greek word “Pistakion”, meaning the green nut. They have a hard white covering around them and have a reddish-coloured thin skin around the green kernels.  Pistachios originated from the middle east and central Asia. They are borne in clusters and get pollinated mainly by winds. Pistachios are long and spherical, 1.5 to 2 cm long. The hard covering around the kernel tends to split from one side without leaving off the green kernel. Pistachios are rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, carotenoids, lutein, zeaxanthin, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, etc. They also contain vitamin B6, B1, protein, fibre, copper, and phosphorus. In addition, they are one of the many nuts that are low in calories and

how to do hair keratin treatment at home? How to do hair smoothening at home ?

how to do hair smoothening with home-made remedies If you want to make your hair beautiful in one day like straightening, you must go to a beauty parlor. If we go to the beauty parlor and pay a lot of money and get treatment like Keratin and straightening, our hair will be very very beautiful like heroine's hair. But not everyone can afford to go to a beauty parlor. Because if the hair needs to be safe as well as beautiful, then the cost we are going to spend on it is bound to be a little extra. Let's know how to straighten our hair at home using natural products. First, take four to five ladysfinger . Wash the stem . Cut off the stem and the tip. Cut this ladysfinger into small pieces like you would cut it into fries. Cut this ladysfinger   into small pieces like you would cut it into fries. Pour 1 cup of water in a vessel and boil it well. After it boils for ten minutes, the water becomes thick. If the water is not enough, you can add some more water and boil it. No problem

How to get rid of Front Bald head? What is an amazing home hair pack that can stop ingrown hairs and regrow them thickly?

 Some people have little or no hair on their front foreheads. We think this is a problem that most men have. But even women get hair growth on their front forehead. This is a problem caused by pulling and pulling the hair under pressure. This is an amazing natural home hair pack that can stop ingrown hairs and regrow thick hair even on the forehead! How to prepare it? How to apply? We are going to see that through this post. Hair should always be loosely braided. After applying oil to the head well, the hair can be tightly braided! But when there is no oil, the hair that can be on the forehead gets damaged by pulling the hair well and holding it with a clip.  Due to this it starts falling off slowly. In this way, when every hair on the front of the forehead falls out, the hair will continue to grow to reveal the forehead area. What can be done to stop this problem and regrow the hair in that place to get beautiful, thick hair that can be seen even on the forehead? First take an aloe v

Symptoms of cholesterol

 Symptoms of cholesterol When the level of cholesterol in the body increases, some symptoms start appearing in the body, know what they are, 1. High cholesterol increases heart disease. 2. There are many symptoms that occur when cholesterol levels increase. 3. These symptoms include sweating and yellow nails. Cholesterol: High cholesterol is a serious problem. When cholesterol levels increase, plaque builds up in the arteries. Due to this, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases. No matter what disease the body is under the grip of, its symptoms will start appearing in different parts of the body. Similarly, different symptoms start appearing when the cholesterol level in the body increases. If you know about it, you can avoid falling prey to this serious disease. So know what symptoms you should be aware of. chest pain : If you have severe chest pain, it is a sign of high cholesterol. When cholesterol in the body starts to increase, pain in the chest occurs. In this case, the p